Interactive meetings, workshops and conferences
Good tools help, but interactive methods and dialogic business moderation are crucial. The latter is achieved with a dialogic attitude on the part of the moderator, a targeted guide, good conversation techniques, participation via break-out sessions and live documentation.
Interactive meetings, workshops and conferences
Good tools help, but interactive methods and dialogic business moderation are crucial. The latter is achieved with a dialogic attitude on the part of the moderator, a targeted guide, good conversation techniques, participation via break-out sessions and live documentation.
Home Office, weltweit verteilte Teams und standortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit erfordern eine gute Führung virtueller Teams. Online Meetings und Workshops gehören zum Standard der Zusammenarbeit, benötigen aber wie Präsenzmeetings eine exzellente Qualität.
Konzeptionell sollten bei Online Meetings einige Besonderheiten im Vergleich zu Präsenzmeetings berücksichtigt werden. Dazu zählen kürzere Einheiten, kürzere Inputs, stärker strukturiertere Dialoge, zahlreichere Interaktionen, häufigere Ergebnissicherung und andere emotionale Verankerungselemente. Außerdem muss die/der Moderator:in häufig mit technischen Restriktionen arbeiten und diese situativ meistern.
Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir maßgeschneiderte digitale Formate, befähigen Sie diese umzusetzen oder sichern durch professionelle Online Moderation und Hosting den Erfolg.
Fachworkshops, Projektmeetings, Teamentwicklungs Workshops konzipieren wir und stellen falls notwendig die technischen Tools. Unsere professionellen Online Moderatoren gewährleisten einen zielführenden und interaktiven Workshop.
We design specialist workshops, project meetings and team development workshops and, if necessary, provide the technical tools. Our professional online moderators ensure a targeted and interactive workshop.
Even with a larger number of participants (50-10,000), the involvement of everyone involved is our priority.
We ensure this through a variety of interactions within the online conference. Depending on the number of participants, these are: break-out sessions, digital visualization of dialogues, active and creative use of the chat, transparency voting, individual transfer planning and emotional elements.
We will work with you to develop the concept for your interactive online conference, support you in carrying it out through professional moderation and hosting of the events and, if necessary, provide the technical tools for a smooth process.
Digital meetings instead of face-to-face workshop series can also be more effective in strategy and transformation processes. In comparison to all-day face-to-face workshops, it is possible to hold several 2-4 hour impulse online meetings within a certain period of time. The time between online meetings can be used to further develop content in working sessions for participants or groups of participants.
We would be happy to design these digital formats with you and support you in implementing them.
Whenever possible, we prefer blended learning and blended coaching. The proportion of online training and virtual team workshops has constantly increased. The formats should be derived from the goals and not apply methods for the sake of methods.
Your virtual meetings in new quality – we would be happy to advise and support you!
- We provide support – pragmatically and quickly
- We look over your shoulder during your virtual meetings and give direct, individual feedback with suggestions for improvement (shadowing).
- We put together an online training “virtual meetings in a new quality” with short units – individual and tailor-made – that is tailored precisely to your current strengths and challenges.
- We plan and carry out particularly challenging meetings together.
- In the joint evaluation, you derive consequences for your other meetings.
Practical examples of dialogic online moderation
“We have come together despite the distance,”
“Great format”
“Good orientation for my leadership work,”
That was the summary of a virtual leadership conference (divided into four two-hour online sessions) with 52 division and department heads of a leading insurance company.
The moderation software and professional online moderation enabled:
- Virtual small group work
- Moderated dialogues with live documentation
- Live voting
Proxy discussions - Working on joint planning templates
- An emotional conclusion
The content and emotional results motivate the participants to actively assume their current leadership responsibilities.
The content and format of online conferences and the overall process should be tailored to the respective situation. In this case, online training “leading teams with a home office” follows next.
“An exciting experience – both in terms of content and technology.”
That was the summary of a virtual world café with 25 employees of an IT service provider. The aim of the event was to critically reflect on the path to a strategic target and to formulate recommendations for further action. In the virtual World Café – as in the “real” World Café – three different questions were addressed in virtual breakouts by changing group constellations and finally summarized in the plenary session to produce concise recommendations.
In every round new input for strategy implementation
The special thing about the World Café is that there are “guests” who change the (virtual) table after each round and hosts who remain seated at their table. At the beginning, the hosts briefly share the most important results from the preliminary round and encourage the guests to connect their ideas with the previous table discussions!
Further feedback about this event included:
- “I found the event extremely organized and structured.”
- “It was fun, you meet on equal terms – very good!”
- “I thought it was cool to jump into the different rooms. I didn’t miss the analogue.”
- “It worked surprisingly well! Great ideas!”
Effective (leadership) team development often includes discussing and clarifying mutual expectations. In face-to-face events, the expectation market has proven itself to be successful. Does this method also work virtually?
As part of a virtual management dialogue with 20 managers from three sales teams of a medium-sized company, we adapted the format of the expectations market to the circumstances.
The implementation of the new leadership principles and the changed virtual collaboration played a special role in view of the Corona lockdown. The aim was to coordinate shared leadership behavior and to give employees orientation, especially in these turbulent times.
The expectations market was conducted in 4 rounds:
- In the first round, the functional teams define their expectations of the other teams in breakout sessions and determine their own contribution to meeting the expectations.
- In the second round, the teams present their expectations to each other in a virtual plenary session and clarify any questions of understanding.
- In the third round, the functional teams discuss again in their own breakout sessions which of the expectations they accept, reject or which they need to clarify again and derive concrete measures for implementation.
- In the fourth round, the teams present their results and implementation plans and make concrete agreements for the next steps.
A total of 25 specific expectations were clarified and implementation planned. The unanimous feedback from the participants was:
“It’s nice that we were able to discuss the topics in this way – now it’s up to us to implement things.”
Conclusion: The expectation market for team development also works virtually.
“I wrote down 6 pages of tips and tricks.
I’m glad I was here and took part. Thank you very much for that.”
This is just a quote from the feedback from a 2-module online training entitled “Effectively designing and moderating virtual meetings” in the financial industry. Communication training was originally planned, but the current challenge of effective online moderation in internal workshops and especially in customer meetings has noticeably increased.
Two modules lasting 3 hours each were developed together with the human resources department. Here the participants experienced effective, dialogic online moderation live and expanded their digital moderation skills. The following content was trained tailored to the existing meeting tool GoToMeeting:
Module 1: Basics of effective online moderation
- Success factors for effective online moderation
- Gain role clarity for moderator and host
- Structuring interactive meetings – from preparation to completion
- The importance of dialogic elements in virtual meetings
- Operate and use basic functions
Module 2: Design online meetings in a goal-oriented manner
- A targeted directing plan
- Effective charts and instructions
- Interaction elements for all phases: breakout sessions, surveys, whiteboard, shared documents and much more.
- Sample schedules for typical meeting occasions
- Proven practical tips
The participants brought in their practical challenges and were able to actively work on them with their colleagues and trainers. Afterwards, everyone received a Powerpoint file with professional moderation templates for free use as part of their moderations.
Initial situation
The organization was faced with the challenge of holding an online conference with 350 managers for the first time and at the same time realigning itself strategically.
There were the first concrete ideas for implementing the virtual conference. Content-related voting should take place with all participants, the results of which will be further deepened and developed in small groups with internal moderators. At the end of day 1, the results should be clustered and prepared so that they can be further processed in workshops the following day.
Further goals were dialogic participation and a high level of interactivity over 1.50 days of virtual conference.
Our approach
Based on our experience in numerous virtual conferences, we have:
- A feasibility check of the existing concept was carried out
- A tailor-made concept developed based on the existing concept
- Designed technical solutions and ensured the technical implementation of the meeting
- A qualification for internal small group moderators was designed and carried out
- A virtual presentation training (personal performance in front of the camera + handling of technology) was designed and carried out for input providers/lecturers
- Dress rehearsals were carried out with those in charge
- We took over control of the entire process (including the technology hotline) during the event
- Hosted the meeting
- Acts as a back-up for the internal moderation team
The following results were achieved through the dialogue-oriented concept in virtual space:
- Real commitment to the realignment
- Cultural development of the entire organization
- Dialogue participation of participants also in virtual settings
- Understanding of virtual collaboration was strengthened
- The quality and importance of moderation for virtual meetings has been strengthened
Virtual meetings in new quality
In-house training for managers, project managers and internal online moderators
In our online practical training you will develop your digital moderation skills and get to know and use the different tools and their functionalities. In the future, you will be able to organize routine meetings, project sessions and workshops in small and large groups with active participation in a virtual context and achieve excellent results with a high level of commitment to implementation.
- Erfolgsfaktoren für virtuelle Meetings
- Tools für virtuelle Zusammenarbeit
- Grundfunktionen bedienen und nutzen
- Die Bedeutung dialogischer Elemente in virtuellen Meetings
- Strukturierung interaktiver Meetings – von der Vorbereitung bis zum Abschluss
- Rollenklarheit als Führungskraft, Moderator und Host gewinnen
- Success factors for virtual meetings
- Virtual collaboration tools
- Operate and use basic functions
- The importance of dialogic elements in virtual meetings
- Structuring interactive meetings – from preparation to completion
- Gain role clarity as a manager, moderator and host
Trainer impulses, experiencing dialogic moderation, reflection and planning tools
- A targeted directing plan
- Effective charts and instructions
- Interaction elements for all phases:
Breakout sessions, surveys, whiteboard, shared documents and much more. - Tips and Tricks
- Schedule your own meeting
- Practical simulation with professional feedback
Trainer impulse, experience of dialogic moderation, reflection and planning tools
Exchange of experiences: tops and flops…
Try out and optimize selected sequences
Spontaneous change of direction and moderation, collegial advice online
Personal impact online
Expand toolkit: Explore interaction elements for large groups
Trainer impulse, reflection and planning tools
Duration of the modules: 3 x 2.5 hours
Preparation and follow-up tasks as well as self-learning phases ensure transfer into everyday life.
We would be happy to adapt this basic concept with you to your specific needs.