We are on the way
We are proud to be doing our part and look forward to working with you to shape sustainable solutions for a better world. Let’s shape the future together and take responsibility – for future generations and the world we live in.
Wir sind auf dem Weg
Wir sind stolz darauf, unseren Beitrag zu leisten und freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit Ihnen nachhaltige Lösungen für eine bessere Welt zu gestalten. Lassen Sie uns zusammen die Zukunft gestalten und Verantwortung übernehmen – für die kommenden Generationen und die Welt, in der wir leben.
As a management consulting firm, we understand that our success is also measured by our contribution to society and our environment. Therefore, we are committed to acting sustainably and responsibly in order to have a positive impact on the world and in our training and consulting projects.
Our understanding of the company and our Code of Conduct form the basis for respectful interaction with each other and for dialog with our customers.
Empowering people and organizations
For us, education is one of the most important keys to sustainable change in our society. Empowering people, sharing experiences and knowledge, promoting personal development are drivers of our actions. We are highly motivated to work together as individuals and communities for a better future and to bring about positive development for future generations.
Together with Opportunity International Germany and the Global Management Expedition project, we have organized learning trips to emerging countries to facilitate exchange between microfinance organizations and top managers.
Conserving resources
Goll on the way to becoming a climate-neutral company:
At our company, emissions are caused primarily by travel, heating, electricity and consumables, and not all of this is avoidable. Knowing that we are still at the beginning with our efforts, we are striving for continuous improvement in reducing our emissions.
Currently, we are in the certification process to become an emission-free site together with a climate protection organization. We will keep you up to date!
Fair business
Fair business is a necessity for a sustainable future! We also live this in the cooperation with our service providers, customers and employees.
When selecting our service providers, we pay increased attention to sustainable working methods and raw materials and see this as an investment in the future of the company.
In our cooperation with our customers and internally, we pay attention to environmentally friendly cooperation by planning business trips individually according to the needs of our customers. We successfully conduct both coordination meetings and numerous events online.
We see our employees as an essential part of our success. As an attractive employer, we offer sustainable benefits such as JobTickets, JobBikes, BahnCard and encourage the use of home offices.
Taking responsibility
As a consulting company, we set a good example. We are committed to transparent, ethical and responsible corporate governance. We consider the impact of our decisions on our employees, contractors, clients, society and the environment.
Our team is diverse and we foster a culture of respect and collaboration. Naturally, we are also signatories to the Diversity Charter. We value the individual strengths and contributions of each team member to create a supportive and productive work environment.
In addition, we support social projects and actively contribute to charitable initiatives to contribute to the common good.
Our office building is built in ecological construction, with consistent use of the natural building material wood. Since 2008 we use a heat pump heating system (water heat pump with on-site well) and since 2021 a photovoltaic system is installed on the roof. Furthermore, we pursue the goal of a “paperless office” – even our business cards are digital – and we use, if necessary, primarily environmental paper.
With the central location of the office, we offer our employees and customers the possibility to travel by public transport as well as by bicycle. Whenever possible, we prefer to travel by train instead of by air. Many of our company cars are already hybrid or electric, and we aim to increase the proportion of these. To reduce business travel, we promote the use of digital solutions and events both for our customers and in internal collaboration.
The largely self-determined home office arrangement enables employees to flexibly adjust their work location depending on their individual needs and work requirements. We support our employees with the technical and ergonomic equipment of their workplaces.
We are currently in a certification process of a climate protection organization to become a climate neutral site. We will keep you up to date!
Sabine Grashoff-Reiter, Partnerin