

Here you will find current information on

  • Trends
  • In-depth information on topics from our portfolio
  • New formats and methods from our solution manufactory
  • Developments in our company


Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen zu

    • Trends
    • Vertiefungen zu Themen aus unserem Portfolio
    • neuen Formaten und Methoden aus unserer Lösungsmanufaktur
    • Entwicklungen in unserem Unternehmen

Simplify your company

Simplify your company

In August 2023, we were able to accompany our customer Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Bonn (Link) in a systematic detoxification and optimization process. The aim of the process, together with all employees, in all areas, was to eliminate or optimize everything that has crept in over the years without representing any real added value. The focus was on things that can be decided directly.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Successful succession in family businesses

The handover of a family business to the next generation is an important and often challenging milestone for companies and families.

Become partner

Become partner

Become a partner at Goll Consulting. You will be responsible for consulting, moderating, coaching and training as part of a team.

We continue to grow and are looking for partners.

Company culture

Company culture

Does it make sense to want to measure and develop corporate culture? Is that even possible? Doesn’t the intention with which the corporate culture is to be worked on influence the effect as such? And isn’t the way employees are involved in this process and deal with surveys or interviews in turn an artifact of the culture?

Top Consultant 2023

Top Consultant 2023


Goll Consulting receives the award for the fourth time.

25 years
Goll Consulting

25 years
Goll Consulting

This summer we celebrate our 25th anniversary. This milestone would not have been possible without the successful partnership, the co-creative concept development and your numerous recommendations. Therefore, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loyalty and trust.

Strategy conference

Strategy conference

University strategy conference with 280 participants.

Describe the strategy in dialogue across (disciplinary) departments